Friday 14 November 2014


                      Get On Your Bike

Ridding your bike is a very health way to move around,apart from sports.
If you learn how to ride your bike at younger age , it will help you very much, because you learn how to control your self...
The other day in our Bon Dia session a few people came to talk to us about bikes they said it was very good because it is very healthy , it does not contaminate , and it is better than asking your parent's to take you eveywhere

So NOW you know what to do, GET ON YOUR BIKE AND ENJOY YOUR SELF!!!!


Friday 7 November 2014



                      GUY FAWKES NIGHT


 Guy Fawkes Night is a bonfire and firework day. This event started in 1605 when Mr Fawkes,was arrested for having ilegeal explosive equipment. These equipments were placed below the House of Lords.In the end King James I survived and the people from all over London lit fires as a simbol of celebration for the kings surviment

At this celebration they also sang different songs this is one of them
The 5th of November is a day that anyone can enjoy so if you ever want to go and light bomfires and see fireworks , you will always be albe to go to London.

Saturday 1 November 2014



The word "Halloween" was  used in XVI and until now we still use it!
 Halloween was originated in Celta. The Celtans ate apples and one day they thought that they had to call it "Halloween". Through the years, instead of eating apples we have started eating "candy apples".


                                            TRICK OR TREAT!!
Trick or treat is a traditional concept that many children is many different countries do. I my self also Trick or Treat . The main concept of this tradition, is that the children go to different houses asking for sweets! And sometimes if you are lucky the people that do not have sweets , instead of giving sweets they give you money.

So have a great time!!!